Friday, September 7, 2007

How To Write Science Fiction and Fantasy

Author: Orson Scott Card
Published: 1990

In the first half of the book, a very slim volume and a quick scan/read, there are interesting bits. Some history of SF, the distinctions between SF and Fantasy and why they are important and why, ultimately, they don't matter much. Pleasant to read.

The second half pretty much focuses on how to write, though not as much about how to write SF and Fantasy.

Which brings up the second book (this is a two-for-one bonus post!): Characters and Viewpoints.

Cheryl Mills cautioned me it was quite basic stuff, and it was. A curious choice on Card's part was many (many, many) examples from movies to explain points about writing fiction. Okay book, very much for the beginning writer who does not know the difference between first and third person.

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